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Fluker s Red Heat Bulb (75 watt)

Fluker s Red Heat Bulb (75 watt)

Regular price $6.38
Regular price $6.38 Sale price $6.38
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Incandescent Reptile Lighting providing perfect low light heat for your reptiles. Fluker s incandescent light bulbs provide the radiant heat (infrared light) that reptiles need. Reptiles are ectothermic and depend on their environmental temperature to regulate their core body temperature. If a reptile is not provided an appropriate environmental temperature range (ETR) it may be predisposed to chronic infections . Because ETR s vary from species to species ask your pet professional or review available literature for guidance in determining the appropriate ETR for your pet. Fluker s has provided an easy-to-read reference table to simplify bulb selection based on the distance the bulb will be placed from the reptile. The sun produces three primary types of light: ultraviolet visible and infrared. Ultraviolet (UV) light helps in regulating behavior and stimulating Vitamin D production in reptiles. Visible light is the spectrum of light that allows humans and animals to see within our environment. Fluker s 5

Fluker 75W Red Heat Bulb


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