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Hikari Betta Bio-Gold Betta Fish Food 2.5 Grams

Hikari Betta Bio-Gold Betta Fish Food 2.5 Grams

Regular price $2.38
Regular price $2.38 Sale price $2.38
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A Powerful Color-Enhancing Diet developed after considerable research into the nutritional requirements of bettas. Hikari? Betta Bio-Gold? has been developed after considerable research into the eating habits and nutritional requirements of bettas. This floating pellet has been carefully balanced to meet the nutritional needs of your pet. The inclusion of premium-select fish meal which provides a superior protein source Astaxanthin which helps enhance coloration Grape Seed Extract (polyphenol) which has been shown to reduce the impacts of aging and Spirulina which naturally offers a high concentration of usable vitamins make this a daily diet perfectly suited for bettas and their high stress nature. Developed produced and packaged in our facilities so we can be assured you ll always get the ?Hikari quality you expect! FEATURES Optimally Balanced Nutrition Bettas Require Contains Ingredients Uniquely Beneficial To Bettas Floating Pellet Allows easy monitoring of amount eaten Helps eliminate over-fee

Hik .07Oz Betta Biogold


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