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API 5-In-1 Test Strips Freshwater And Saltwater Aquarium Test Strips 25-Count

API 5-In-1 Test Strips Freshwater And Saltwater Aquarium Test Strips 25-Count

Regular price $18.25
Regular price $18.25 Sale price $18.25
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Keep your fish healthy and thriving by testing your aquarium water regularly with easy-to-use API 5-in-1 TEST STRIPS. API 5-in-1 TEST STRIPS for freshwater and saltwater aquarium help fish owners measure levels of Nitrite Nitrate Carbonate & General Hardness and pH found in aquarium water. In order for fish to thrive water must be similar to that which could be found in their natural environment. Poor water quality can cause fish stress illness and even death. Just dip a strip directly into your aquarium and use the color-coded chart to determine if your water is safe or if adjustments are needed. Then follow the recommendations to treat the water ? it?s that simple. With API Aquarium products it?s easy to keep a beautiful saltwater freshwater or reef aquarium. For over 50 years API has been creating innovative research-driven solutions that make it easier to care for your fish and aquarium. API Aquarium Treatment Supplies are designed to work in conjunction with each other to provide best results

Api 5 In 1 Aquarium Test Strips25Ct


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